Saturday, May 30, 2009

10 Ways to Winterize Your FSBO Home

Did you know? Preparing your FSBO home for winter should actually start during the Fall/Autumn season! As temperatures quickly drop you always remember to pull out your coat, gloves, toboggan, and scarf to protect yourself from the harsh cold. Protecting your FSBO home is just as important in order to fight off "Old Man Winter".

Here are 10 tips to help you better prepare your FSBO home for winter:

1. Get your HVAC (Heating & Cooling) Inspected - This could possibly be the most important winterization tip on this list! Call a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) professional to inspect your furnace. Make sure they check your ductwork to ensure they are free flowing and inspected for holes and/or separated duct joints. Have them change your filter if need be, but on the norm you should do this monthly for most furnace systems.

2. Inspect all your Windows for Cracks and Leaks - Its true windows are often used for air circulation and cool breezes during the summer, but you do not want cold air leaking in during the winter months. Check the exterior window wells for cracks and chipped paint, if need be caulk and seal cracked edges and re-paint wells. If you have cracked glass in your windows you should try to gauge whether or not they need to be replaced completely and if replaced make sure to prime and paint exposed wood to prevent possible air leaks. Last, if you have your summer screens still intact make sure they are swapped out with your glass storm windows as this will give you an added layer of air blocking protection.

3. Inspect all your Doors for Cracks and Leaks - If you can feel a cool breeze or cool air from the bottom or sides of your doors then you possibly need to apply weather stripping. Weather stripping alone can save you up to 20 percent in heating and cooling costs. Basically weather strips are a narrow strip of material (usually plastic) which cover the joint of a door or window to keep out the cold. It's a fairly painless job and will save you tons of energy costs.

4. Inspect Gutters and Downspouts and clean them out - During Autumn we all enjoy seeing the leaves change into many beautiful colors, but with that comes a bit of maintenance on our part. Once the leaves fall from the trees it's almost inevitable they will land in your gutter! Cleaning them out is a bore but it's an essential part of winterizing your FSBO home. Some people hire companies to do this, some people clean them out by hand, but here's my time saving tip: If your roof grade is not too steep try using a leaf blower to clean them out, it makes the job 100 times faster. Keep safety in mind first when you do these things. Never do this alone or if you do not feel comfortable doing it in the first place. Removing the leaves from the gutters and downspout will ensure good drainage when the rain and snow of winter comes, thus keeping back-ups from occurring and water seepage into the house.

5. Inspect your Roof Covering / Shingles - Inspect your roof for loose, damaged, or missing covering such as shingles. While you do this it's very important to check the flashing in order to make sure water is not running into your FSBO home. Flashing is basically a type of sheet metal installed at any break in a shingled roofline to prevent leaks. If you find your roof is leaking or sagging call a roofing professional immediately.

6. Make sure your Attic is properly Insulated - This may be one of the more expensive items on the list, but it's also one that will save you money in the long run. Since heat rises attics are the exact place your heat will escape in larger quantities. Consider adding extra insulation to your attic, especially if you can openly see your ceiling joists. If you're not sure what to look for, a ceiling joist is a parallel framing board used to support ceiling loads.

7. Protect your Plumbing - Pipes and plumbing is a huge concern during the winter. If your pipes freeze it's going to be an extremely expensive fix! Before the first freeze of the year make sure you drain and shut off your sprinkler system and water hoses to avoid frozen and burst pipes. Disconnect all hoses from the spigots and make sure your hoses are drained completely. For extra protection in colder climates you may even want to purchase and install Styrofoam cups which attach to spigots and provide extra insulation. Do not turn your heat completely off during the wintertime, and always know the location of your main water valve in case you need to turn it off for an emergency.

8. Inspect your Foundation for Cracks and Proper Drainage - The winter season usually brings tons of rain and snow. If water is not properly draining away from the house then it could possibly stand still and eventually move towards your house and into the walls. Make sure the downspouts and hose extensions (usually PVC pipe) are aimed away from your house. If need be you can shovel and reshape the dirt to ensure water is running away from your FSBO homes foundation.

9. Inspect your Fireplace - To conserve energy and heating costs make sure the fireplace damper is tightly closed when not in use. If your chimney top is not fully covered then consider purchasing a shielding cap for it with a screen. It's also recommended that if your chimney has not been cleaned in a while that you get it professionally swept to wipe out whatever creosote and soot that has formed.

10. Check your various Alarms - Unfortunately there are thousands of residential fires each year that could have been prevented by simply checking Smoke Detector batteries with the push of a button. You should probably change the batteries in your Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Detector at least once per year to be on the safe side. If you do not have these two detectors installed then it's highly recommended you do so.

DIY_U Bonus Tip:
Always be prepared for Emergencies and Surprises - Sometimes the winter months can be harsh leaving individuals and families without power, electricity and water. As a safety precautions try purchasing candles and matches you can use for lighting. Purchase bottled water, canned/non-perishable foods [including pet foods if you have pets], first-aid kits, extra blankets, lanterns and firewood. It's important to have a centralized location for all your items in the time of need so place them in well-known place to you and your family. Last but not least develop a list of emergency phone numbers and place them on your refrigerator or near your phone. This list should include your utility companies (electric, gas, water), phone company, local fire department, local police department, local hospital, and possibly your nearby neighbors.

To learn more about taking care of your FSBO home please visit our nationwide for sale by owner website:, For Sale by Owner (FSBO) Real Estate

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